Heritage Skills Training Programme
The Heritage Skills Training Programme will enable people to develop new skills and support the management of Charnwood Forest’s landscape and heritage assets. The programme will co-ordinate and link existing training provision and will also fill gaps in available provision through the development of new workshops and courses. Training will include habitat management, repairing stone walls, woodland and heathland management, wildlife recording and monitoring, geology, landscape surveying, hedge laying and wood crafts as well as courses which will support small community groups and businesses to make the most of Charnwood Forest’s heritage and to build capacity and resilience in Charnwood Forest Geopark.

The project aims to enable people to develop new skills and support the management of Charnwood Forest’s landscape and heritage assets. To train up a new generation of volunteers to take up the mantle of caring for Charnwood Forest and to co-ordinate an annual programme of core heritage skills training. There will be a single point of information for training opportunities so that it is easier for people to access training and so more places are likely to be filled. A directory of training providers will be created and maintained.
Scything, wildlife recording, first aid training courses
Dry Stone Walling
We’ve supported the creation of a dry stone walling apprenticeship at Bradgate Park.