Primary school students are outside looking at a tipi in the school grounds.
  • Geopark News

Geopark Supports Outdoor Learning at Local School

Students at a primary school in Charnwood Forest have been experiencing more outdoor learning opportunities thanks to support from the Geopark. Classes at Woolden Hill Primary School in Anstey have recently started using a tipi, which was funded by the Woolden Hill Association. To support this new outdoor learning area, Charnwood Forest Geopark have funded a range of new equipment including:

  • Flora and fauna observation kit
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Pond explorer kit
  • Den building kit
  • Pulley set and slack line
  • Hammock
  • Weather station
  • Sieve

Susan Kilby, Charnwood Forest Education Officer, said “We just love Woolden Hill Primary School’s new tipi, which is being used as an outdoor classroom, helping staff to achieve their goal to improve their outdoor learning provision. Using funding provided by the Geopark, staff have been able to equip their new outdoor learning space to ensure that students right across the school can enjoy spending time outside, learning and having fun.”

The Geopark’s support for local schools is made possible as part of our National Lottery Heritage Fund Landscape Partnership Scheme. If your school would like to know more about the education resources and grant funding that’s available from the Geopark, please contact Susan Kilby at

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