An up close image of apple blossoms
  • Geopark Events
  • Partner Events

Designing an Orchard and Tree Planting Workshop

Leicestershire County Council are running two workshops in March, covering the topics of designing an orchard and tree planting. These workshops are being financially supported by Charnwood Forest Geopark as part of our funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund

Workshop 1: Designing an Orchard- This workshop provides a project planning exercise to help you plan your orchard project and information on orchard management, benefits of orchards, and places to get advice and support.

Workshop 2: Tree Planting Tips-focuses on the right tree in the right place and the best way to get trees off to a great start.

Both workshops will be held on the same day at Beaumanor Hall,  on the 15th March 2024. Workshops will each have a duration of 2 hours, and there are spaces for up to 20 people.

If you are interested in attending either or both workshops, please email